The DDEV integration plugin makes it easy to point to phpcs and PhpStan in each project (assuming drupal/core-dev dependencies are included in the project) and then (here's the magic) utilize the automatically configured (by the DDEV integration plugin) command-line access inside the DDEV web container - awesome! In the past, we've often recommended to students and client that they install Drupal Coder alongside their Drupal projects and then point to its binaries of phpcs and PhpStan (utilizing the host operating system's PHP) in order to (somewhat) easily integrate those tools with PhpStorm.
It can be arduous to configure PhpStorm to integrate with phpcs and/or PhpStan to show code quality issues in the PhpStorm Problems area as shown here: If you don't use DDEV and PhpStorm, then the DDEV Integration plugin might entice you to take a fresh look. If you use DDEV and PhpStorm, then the DDEV Integration plugin should definitely interest you (especially if you're into code quality tools like phpcs and PhpStan).